In Passing Judgment on Another You Condemn Yourself
This meditation is based on a passage for June 16, 2010 in the Daily Lectionary Year 2 from the Book of Common Worship for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (1993).
Text: Romans 1:28-2:11
Reflection and Question: Here, the lectionary intentionally holds Romans 1 and Romans 2 together, reminding us of the importance of taking the lessons in Scripture in context in order to understand their true meaning. In this case, the purpose of Paul’s condemnation of the Gentiles in Romans 1 is not to provide a laundry list of sins, but rather to set up his ultimate point, delivered in Romans 2: that whenever we pass judgment on others, we actually condemn ourselves because none of us are free of sin. In judging the Gentiles, the Jews themselves are failing in their faith. He ends with his main point: “God shows no partiality.” Who do you judge?
Prayer: Blessed Jesus, Paul promises glory and honor and peace for everyone who does good. And You teach us that doing good is loving You and loving our neighbor. Guide us in doing good so that we may live in You through faith and for faith. Amen.